HTHC Services
HTHC and IHTA together conducting Horticultural Therapy Courses, workshops and other consultations based activities for the needy people. Interested candidates can join for our online and offline HT courses. HT workshops are mainly focusing on the parents, caregivers, doctors and professionals. We are also helping other centers for implementing Horticultural Therapy in their premises.
our services

HT Course
For online and offline Horticultural Therapy course, apply here

HT Sessions
We are conducting individualized and group sessions for the needy people. Click here for more details.
Other Services

Horticultural Therapy is effective for all age group. You can apply this method for your child, family members, parents and yourself. For fixing an appointment, please register here
Creating a healing space can be done by considering the space, facilities, the participants of such places and their needs. We are doing Healing Landscapes for hospitals, schools and other needy places. For fixing our consultations, get in touch with us.
It is important that how you are creating and implementing the garden or the HT program for the needy one. We are helping the organisations to setup and implement healing garden and HT programs in their premises. If you are interested in that, get in contact with us.