Horticultural Therapy Healing Center
HTHC conducting online and offline consultations to the parents of special children and other patients to overcome their physical and mental limitations. We are also conducting vocational skill development program in horticulture for the needy people.
Who is it for?
HTHC conducting program for different populations. We are also conducting training for parents, special educators, doctors and other professionals to becoming a horticultural therapy experts. Our vocational skill training program is for the people of special needs to learn and get trained in the possibilities of horticulture. Hospitals, schools, corporates, and other premises are collaborating with us to implement HT at their places.

HTHC Products

HT Kits
A kit with fairy items
A complete package of a Horticultural Therapy kit contains plants, seeds, pots, nutrient mixture, booklets of activities, Practical work book of gardening for a month

A connector between you and Nature
HTHC is publishing various books and articles for who want to learn from the best. Books are a better mediator who could help the participants to connect with Nature

Green Gifts
Fairy exciting gifts from Nature
Green gifts can stole each one of our mind. When you gift a Natural product to your favorites, that can express your love, care and support to that person. That will make the both happy and soothing.

Practice makes perfect
Working in nature can help to get various physical, mental, cognitive and social benefits. Caring plants will make the people more committed to other living creatures and themselves. Gardening helps to improve behavioral impact. Working in a garden will strengthen participant’s muscles and improve fine and gross motor skills. Indoor and outdoor activities enhance flexibility, coordination, body balancing, hand- eye coordination and vocational skill developments. HT activities help to overcome stress and tension. Skill-developing activities improve their self-esteem and self-confidence. HT makes children more comfortable in society and enables them to live independently. Community gardening and group HT activities improves communication and social interaction skills.
Healing Through Nature
We human are highly bonded with Nature and plants. If anything happens in Nature, before or after it make some kinds of disturbances for us. If your body and mind far from Nature, means you mentally stuck with busy life schedule in four walls or in a limited boundary or not getting chances to connect with nature or plants, the amount of stress will increase. It will affect your body and mind very badly. And whenever you again connected with Nature, our body may react in different ways in the beginning, but the regular connection will help to restore the balance and joy again in your life.

Horticultural Therapy Healing Center
A vocational space for special children to know more about Nature
Online Cunsultation
Monday- Friday: 11 AM - 5 PM
(Contact Number- 08762679127)
Saturday and Sunday - 11:00 Am-1:00 PM
We are here
Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Phone:+91 8762679127
Email: horticulturaltherapists@gmail.com